Become who you are
meant to be.

Everyone has a calling. Are you ready to find it?

You have heard something that feels like a call. Was it really God’s voice? What will He ask of you? And what will other people say about it?


God does have a plan for your life.

It is a plan for a challenging life filled with meaning. You just need to find it. We know that, and we’re pretty good at helping you discern. If you are ready, let’s start asking God about the very life He has made you for.

Steps in Discernment

  • 01. Pray

    The first step in finding out what God wants is to ask Him. Prayer is asking God to reveal His will to us. Prayer also lets us show our hopes, fears, and dreams to Him. Find a chapel, make a commitment, and put in the time and work of creating or deepening your prayer life. Just ten minutes a day will change your life.

  • 02. Talk to Someone

    Something happens when we open up with people we trust. Fears are dispelled. Strengths are affirmed. It’s like looking in the mirror – we can see more clearly. Find one person you can talk to about your discernment. What they will say might surprise you. And it will certainly confirm or adjust what you currently know.

  • 03. Try just One Thing

    It doesn’t mean you have to move into seminary tomorrow, or even begin applying. Start with showing up to one thing: a Monday Night Mass, the next Savio event, or maybe ask if there’s anything casual you can come to. But do something. Just one thing will give you a lot of data for making a decision.

I moved into the House my sophomore year in college. I had been coming to Monday Nights and knew the guys at the House pretty well. I wanted to see what the Lord might be trying to tell me about my vocation. Living with other Catholic guys and being around so many people who would come and hang out at the House was awesome. I'm glad I made that decision.

Nick Folz, House of Discernment Resident, (‘20-’21), Propaedeutic Stage Seminarian (‘24), Good Shepherd Parish

Pray with Us.

Hundreds of Catholic women and men gather every Monday Night at Sacred Heart Church in Evansville. They come for one reason: Prayer. If you want to know who else out there is seeking to find what God is calling them to, come join us.

— 6:30pm Holy Hour & Confessions

— 7:30pm Mass for Vocations


from Fr. Tyler Tenbarge, Vocation Director



#1 — Being Summoned

The average priest or seminarian would tell you that he first considered priesthood because something within him pointed in that direction. It was a voice, a nudge, a feeling… something prompted him to think, “Could priesthood be for me?” 

This is the first sure sign of a potential vocation.

That said, many young men have initiated the discernment process on their own: “God, I want to know what you have planned for me. So, I will give you this time and energy to discern it.” 

Both are sure ways to begin the discernment process. However, it is more likely that if you did not initiate the search or question about discernment, that the voice you are hearing within might indeed be the voice of Jesus Christ, the High Priest.

#2 — A Desire to Know Christ

Indeed every baptized Christian is called to walk with Jesus Christ toward holiness. This means a prayer life, personal sacrifices, a sense of the Presence of the Lord in daily moments. However, men who are called to priesthood often have a deeper or fuller sense of longing to know — or indeed of already knowing — the Heart of the Father more than the average Catholic. If you find yourself praying more than your friends do, if you recognize a still unmet desire to know and love the Lord, then it might be another sign of a vocation to priesthood.

#3 — Freedom

One of the most helpful ways to encourage a vocation is to tell people you see it in them, but sometimes young people can feel burdened by pressure to discern. God never forces or compels. Nor does He scare anyone of his sons into seminary or discernment. The Father wants you to be free, totally free, and so He only invites you to hear and heed the voice of the Good Shepherd who is calling out to you. If you hear this voice, ask for peace. Where there is peace, there is freedom, and there might be a call.

#4 — Health

Most people probably don’t know that men in formation are undergoing intensive and profound human development. Like the potter at the wheel, the Lord is molding his men to prepare them for mission (Jeremiah 18). To become who you were created to be, you must first possess sufficient physical and psychological health. God wants good instruments for His ministry. As we walk with men who are responding to the voice of Christ, we ask questions about where you are as a man. 

Can you get up and get to the chapel for prayer in the morning? Are you able to relate to both men and women well? 

If you are healthy, overall, then that might mean the call, desire, and freedom are being confirmed in you for priestly discernment and formation.

#5 — Selflessness 

The number one way to follow Jesus is to give up one’s own life. He did. He asks us to do the same. Part of growing up is recognizing that our lives are not about ourselves. In fact, Jesus told us that only in losing our lives can we find what we are looking for (Mt 10:39). In our early years, the focus of our eyes and minds are often just for ourselves: I’m hungry. I want to buy this. What will make me look good? 

As we mature as men and as Christians, our focus necessarily shifts to others: What does he need? How can I serve her? How is the Lord calling me to gain by giving away? 

A sure sign that a man is not prepared to follow the call of Christ to priesthood is selfishness. However, if you are ready to commit to living in love for others and for God, then perhaps the Lord is indeed calling you to follow in His footsteps. 

#6 — Attraction 

Too often, guys feel like they have to do something even though they have no real desire for it at all. This might be the feeling you have at 5am when you wake up for a before-school work out. You don’t want to be up or getting ready, but you do it anyway. Sometimes you will have those feelings in discernment. However, there must be at least some sense of being attracted to priestly life. 

Do you want to live every day for God and His Church? Does being with people in their most joyful highs and hardest lows sound meaningful to you? When you are around a priest at Mass, do you wonder what it would be like to be in his shoes? 

Being attracted to priesthood in these sorts of ways might be a sign of a call. 



If you see these signs in yourself, prayerfully consider contacting a priest you trust to talk. No one will ask you to sign on any dotted lines. Just let them hear where you are. We know what it’s like for young men to discern, but we also know what it’s like for guys to discern marriage, and we want you to find the same thing you are looking for: happiness according to the will of God. 


Join the brotherhood

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with any questions. We are here to help you.

Email Father Tyler Tenbarge, Vocation Director and Chaplain & Director of the House of Discernment

(812) 424-5536